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<html><head> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content=60> <title>89C8252 WWW digital thermometer</title> </head><body> <h1>89C8252 & DS1620 WWW digital thermometer</h1> <p><big><big>System temperature is: <b>'shtemp.cgi' °C</b></big></big></p> <img src="blue.gif" alt="" border=0 width=20 height=20> <img src="redblue.gif" alt="" border=0 width='grapht.cgi' height=20> <img src="whblue.gif" alt="" border=0 width='egrapht.cgi' height=20> <img src="blue.gif" alt="" border=0 width=20 height=20><br> <img src="stupnice.gif" alt="" border=0 width=296 height=30> </body></html>
<html><head> <meta http-equiv="REFRESH" content=60> <title>89C8252 WWW digital thermometer</title> </head><body> <h1>89C8252 & DS1620 WWW digital thermometer</h1> <p><big><big>System temperature is: <b>+25.0 °C</b></big></big></p> <img src="blue.gif" alt="" border=0 width=20 height=20> <img src="redblue.gif" alt="" border=0 width=100 height=20> <img src="whblue.gif" alt="" border=0 width=156 height=20> <img src="blue.gif" alt="" border=0 width=20 height=20><br> <img src="stupnice.gif" alt="" border=0 width=296 height=30> </body></html>
89C8252 & DS1620 WWW digital thermometer
System temperature is: +25.0 °C
DS1620 Digital Thermometer and Termostat (12 str.)
AN67 Applying and Using the DS1620 in Temperature Control Applications (4 str.)
AN85 Interfacing the DS1620 to the Motorola SPI Bus (3 str.)
AN105 High Resolution Temperature Measurement With Dallas Direct-to-Digital Temperature Sensors (20 str.)
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